The following discussion applies principally to the heat treatment of ordinary commercial steels known as plain carbon steels. 下列讨论主要针对被称为普通碳钢的工业用钢而言。
The current research situations and obtained achievements in improving the strength of plain carbon steels are described systematically. 以建筑用钢筋为研究对象,系统介绍了目前对于提高普通碳素钢强度的国内外研究现状和取得的成果。
The model has been validated with industrial data for conventional hot strip rolling of plain low carbon steels as well as singly microalloyed high strength low alloy ( HSLA) steels. 用传统热带轧制的普碳钢以及单元合金HSLA钢的现场数据验证了该模型。
Tempering processes of plain carbon dual-phase steels 碳素双相钢的回火过程
The influence of pre-deformation at medium temperature on the transformed structures of plain carbon steels is investigated. 研究了中温预变形对亚、过共析钢组织的影响。
The effect of controlled-rolling parameters on refinement of ferrite grain size in niobium contained steel and plain carbon steels were investigated. 本文研究了控制轧制工艺参数对含铌与不含铌低碳钢的铁素体晶粒细化的影响规律。
The results show that pouring in the cold shell mold has the advantage of preventing decarburization at the surface of both plain and low alloy carbon steels, and therefore the positive effect of increasing the surface hardness of castings. 试验表明:熔模精密铸造型壳采用冷型浇注,可防止碳钢及低合金钢铸件的表面的氧化脱碳,有利于提高铸件的表面硬度;
For plain low-carbon steels, the model has also been successfully applied to rolling of thin slabs. 对于普碳钢,该模型还在薄板坯轧制中应用成功。
Effect of Controlled Cooling Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Properties of Plain Carbon Steels 控冷热处理对普通碳钢组织和性能的影响